Nothing but Praise for Simplenote

This may become a series of posts providing nothing but praise for different things I use. Each post may include about one hundred words about the tools I like and use.

Unlimited storage in Simplenote ( is free as long as you don’t abuse the service. The interface is simple and easy to figure out. The support team is easy to reach. Dark mode is free and you can have it turn on only when it’s dark outside (evening and early morning). You can create links in notes to other notes. There’s different ways to sort all notes like alphabetically (A-Z), reverse alphabetical order (Z-A), chronologically (by “last modified” or “last created”) or reverse chronological order. You can save programming code in the app. All you have to do is enable markdown in a note and put code between two “`” (backticks) marks. The terms of service are short and easy to understand. In fact, they’re the shortest and easiest to understand terms I’ve ever come across.

Speaking of legal documents, this is your friendly reminder to read the Automattic privacy policy ( If you have a Simplenote account or account for that matter, it apples to your use of these products.

Disclaimer: Links are provided for convenience, but because of the nature of the web they may not always direct to the same resource forever. Click at your own risk.

Published by Debrezion Berhe Gebre

I write so my words and story can last longer than me. My name is Debrezion; I’m also known as Derezion, Dee or Azen. I always know where I am by what people call me. I enjoy church, using computers, and of course writing. I’ve been to Ethiopia twice. I was reared in California, USA but my parents are from Ethiopia. I’m lucky to be alive and I should thank God for that.

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